Saturday, July 14, 2007

My First Night in St. Petersburg

After a long long flight and a 3 hour wait in what must have been the shabbiest part of Roissy-Charles de Gaulle airport I have arrived at my host family's house in St. Petersburg. I live on Ulitza Dekabristov in pretty much the heart of the city, right near the Mariinsky Ballet (formerly the Kirov Ballet) and Theater Square. This summer I'll be taking 4 classes a day at St. Petersburg State University.

My host family is a babushka probably in her 50s or 60s, her son, and his wife. The first hour and a half was spent trying to get my internet connection up and running, and now it finally seems to be working great. I had some potatoes and cole slaw for dinner, along with a granola bar and a PB&J sandwich. Natalya, the babushka, spent 5 years in Israel as a nanny for an orthodox family so by the time I got here she had separated the silverware into milchig and fleishig for me. It was really nice of her. I also made it to the market down the street where they have lots of things that I hope to try out based solely on the picture on their labels.

Today I'm going to the Choral synagoge, which was recently restored a couple years ago, to have lunch with the two JDC ( volunteers here in the city and with their boss. It should be interesting. I hope to help them out with leading a discussion group after they leave in 2 weeks, and I think it'll be a good way to meet people here in the city.

DISCLAIMER: This is the first time I've ever tried this blogging thing, so bear with me as I find my 'voice'.

1 comment:

Randy said...

Its very exciting to read about your activities since you are so far away. I cannot believe Skype "talking". Take care
Love Dad